Solutions Architect Associate Exam Cheat Sheet by Tobias Schmidt

The SAA-C02 exam is one of the most crucial and in-demand certification exams you can get under the AWS spectrum. To prepare for this exam, you need proper training and guidance from a trusted source. The exam consists of 65 questions to solve, for which you will be allocated 130 minutes. Certifications would also help the company you’re affiliated with as these highlight the company’s cloud professionals. If the company is part or plan to be part of the AWS partner network, a number of cloud certifications will help meet the partner status criteria. AWS certfications generally should help distinguish yourself when looking for a new job or improve the chances of career progression as the AWS exams are some of the most recognized if not the most sought after cloud certifications.

It is important that you spend time with AWS for you to be good at it. The Resources I used while preparing I am linking them below one by one. You can support a team in getting AWS Certified by funding AWS Certification(s) with exam vouchers.

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Invest in yourself with our flexible pricing options which allows you to start your learning journey for free and add things that you need as you go. DEV Community — A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. Once unpublished, this post will become invisible to the public and only accessible to Adit Modi.

  • I spend a considerable amount of time learning AWS before attempting to take the Certification Exam.
  • Review sample questions that demonstrate the format of the questions used on this exam and include rationales for the correct answers.
  • An AWS Certified Solutions Architect SAA-C02 training course is one that provides you with great study materials, prepares you for passing the exam with flying colors, and establishes you as a seasoned professional.

For SAA-C03, those domains did not update, but their significance within the exam did. Resiliency & performance became slightly less important, while security and cost-optimization ranked up. We are the biggest and most updated IT certification exam material website. Finally..Salesforce Certified Administrator
Thank you saasguru for providing amazing guidance and study material which help me in clearing the examination in my very first attempt. Plus… getting the certifications gives you benefits like a free practice exam and a 50% off voucher for your next certification (quite nifty marketing there too, hey). One of the selling points of this practice exam is that each question contains detailed explanations that will help you gain a deeper understanding of AWS services.

AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate Sample Questions

The exam heavily focuses on core services, which are the basic building blocks for almost any application. The audience for this training should have one year of experience with AWS services, working as a solutions architect, designing AWS solutions using AWS services. In my opinion, a lot of questions in the exam were noticeably harder than the example questions I faced on CloudAcademy.

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  • Using our own resources, we strive to strengthen the IT professionals community for free.
  • Finally..Salesforce Certified Administrator
    Thank you saasguru for providing amazing guidance and study material which help me in clearing the examination in my very first attempt.
  • Certifications would also help the company you’re affiliated with as these highlight the company’s cloud professionals.
  • You can finish preparing for the exam within 3-6 months or might take even 2 attempts of the exam to qualify for it.

Your basic compute resources in AWS and one of the first services that were released. VPCs can span multiple availability zones in a single region and can contain several public and private subnets. A public subnet contains a route to an internet gateway (which you need to set up). If this is needed, you need to maintain a NAT Gateway or Instance and also whitelist traffic to those. It doesn’t help you to get prepared for the exam from a domain perspective but previews the style of questions you’ll face.

Any study materials?

This document will be a quick cheat sheet on the most important things to remember for the Solutions Architect exam which is a perfect starter certification. If you just recently started to work with AWS it could also be good to take the Cloud Practitioner exam first. How long it will take you to study for the AWS SAA-C02 exam depends completely on your IQ. You can finish preparing for the exam within 3-6 months or might take even 2 attempts of the exam to qualify for it. The SAA-C02 course is a certification training course designed to help you crack the exam with excellent marks. I spend a considerable amount of time learning AWS before attempting to take the Certification Exam.

SAA-C02 AWS Software Solutions Architect Associate Lessons